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Sudoku Key Chains for Bunco Prizes

Were you a child of the 80s? OK, don’t admit because you don’t want to give away your age. So, do you love to play Sudoku? How about playing Sudoku on a device that used to be popular in the not so distant past? (How was that to not make you feel old?) Sudoku is now available in the form like what a Rubick’s Cube used to be played. Give the Sudoku Key Chains for bunco prizes at your next party!

Each side of this Sudoku key chain puzzle is a different color. It is played like a regular Sudoku game where the numbers 1 – 9 are used one in each line vertically and horizontally, in each square of the block. Sound complicated? It’s not, really. As long as you can count to nine, you can play this fun puzzle game. Plus, think of the exercise it gives your brain to keep it healthy!

This Sudoku Puzzle Cube Key Chain is convenient because you can play it anywhere you find yourself waiting – at school, after football practice, during a scout meeting, during swimming practice or whenever you wait. Even the grocery store checkout line won’t be a big deal when you can keep yourself occupied!

To play, simply twist the cube all around and mix up the colors. Figure out a way to get all of the numbers back where they are supposed to be, without duplicating a number on a side. Make it more challenging and give yourself a time limit!

You can also use the Sudoku Puzzle Cube Key Chain as a bunco prizes favor for everyone and give your guests a break between your bunko night rounds to challenge their skill. Time the gals and see who is the fastest. Make it a race between each table during a break in the rounds. What table wins? What person can be the Sudoku champion AND win all the Bunco prizes?

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