Holy cow! Some of the neighbors on my street brought all these unhealthy treats for Christmas!! They are so good but so unhealthy!! We have 3 huge plates of cookies, brownies, fudge, peanut butter reindeer, kisses and so much more! The kids enjoy them but all I want to do is eat them for breakfast! I’m trying to think of something healthy that I can give the neighbors…maybe fruit plates or something…don’t know yet but I’ll figure it out. Tis the season to gain weight!!
I wanted to share some low calorie treats with you since I focused on low carb the last time.
Here’s a couple appetizers I found:
Antipasto Pinwheels
This colorful cheese and salami pinwheel recipe makes the perfect quick and easy appetizer when company drops in. Preparation time is only 15 minutes from start to finish.

12 thin slices provolone cheese (6 to 7 oz.)
1/2 cup Gorgonzola cheese, softened (2 oz.)
1 Tbsp. milk
12 thin slices soppresata or premium Genoa salami (about 4 oz.)
12 large fresh basil leaves
Assorted crackers or flatbread (optional)
Grilled Zucchini Roll-Ups
- 5 tbsp whipped chive cream cheese
- 30 leaves baby spinach
- 15 leaves basil
- 3 medium zucchini
- Pre-heat oven to 450 °F (220 °C).
- Cut zucchini slices into long strips, place on cookie sheet covered in non-stick cooking spray.
- Mist the zucchini with cooking spray and salt and pepper to taste. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes, turning once. Cool the zucchini when finished.
- On the end of each zucchini slice, stack 2 baby spinach leaves, 1 basil leaf (tear if large), and a dab of the cream cheese.
- Roll up starting on the side with the filling.
- Place each roll seam-side down and chill prior to serving.
- Should be served cold. Enjoy!
I love food, but I know how calories add up! Hope you enjoy these treats!
I made it past the first day of Christmas Break with the kids at home and so far only one was grounded today and tomorrow…we shall see how the rest of the week turns out! Going to take them to the Library tomorrow and there’s talk of Ice Skating. 🙂
I’ll keep you posted.
Have a fabulous evening!
P.S. I just posted the new Bunco Betty Weekly Giveaway on Facebook…check us out and enter to win free bunco stuff!!
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