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Sex Toy Store and Food Truck Rally

Wow, I’ve been slacking on blogging.  Things have been pretty normal around here.  I’m up early on Saturday because I have to go Kickboxing.  I have missed some classes and I really need to go.  Also, we are getting our tree today!  The kids are so excited!!!

This evening is my bunco night at Laura’s house!  YAY!  Going to be a great time!  There’s a gift exchange too….looks like I have to make a trip to the sex toy shop!  LOL one year I did that!  I got a couple little things, nothing too crazy, just some fun things and made up a little gift bag.  I think that was the year everyone really found out who I was.  :o)

I think I should do that again!  I’ll have to let you know what I come up with when I go shopping.

So last night I experienced the ultimate Idaho event…. the Food Truck Rally!

Food Truck Rally

Seriously…it was kinda cool.  We bundled everyone up and headed out.  Santa was there….the kids didn’t like him at all.  There was live music and a row of food trucks to chose from for dinner.   I guess you have to experience it once…right?

What are your plans for the weekend?

Chat later…

Bunco Betty!


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