Have you just learned about bunco and are trying to form a group of gals to get together each month? You have no idea how much fun you will have once you have a group of regulars going and playing bunco every month. And it really doesn’t have to be each month – if your schedule works out that you only meet every six weeks or two months, that’s fine. There aren’t any rules to bunco night, which is what makes it so great!
To get ready for your bunco event, you might need to get a few supplies together first. Of course, you’ll have the bunco game night kit already, so your dice, the bell and the scorecards will be all set to go.
Something else you will need to get before the game night – writing utensils for everyone to keep score. And because you are such a fun person, you’ll want to coolest and hottest thing for all your bunco gals. Well – that coolest and hottest thing is a set of bunco dice pens.
The Bunco pens come color coordinated! Each pen in the bunco pens come in a set with different colors. On the top, contained in a clear plastic bubble are two miniature dice. Roll your dice and shake your pencil! The pen set comes with 12 pens that all have blue ink. Pens within the set come in yellow, red, blue and green.
Get a clicky pen for everyone and include it in your bunco kit to pass around for the future. Or you can use the pens as a giveaway prize to signify your very first bunco night. No matter what you do with the bunco pens, they are a cool way to remember your first girl’s night out!
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