Good evening!
I have been away for the last couple days, focusing on the cooking, wrapping presents and spending time with my family. Our Christmas was a great success! My husband made cookies for Santa with the kids the night before and they turned out yummy! The surprising thing is on Christmas morning, they got up at about 6:45am and ran into the living room. They were so excited about the presents from Mom and Dad that have been under the tree for the last couple of weeks that they wanted to open those first after their stockings! The presents from Santa were pretty much the last ones they opened. I couldn’t believe it! Also, the cheapest gifts were the ones they loved the most!!
We decided to have 3 from Santa each and the stockings, then the rest were from Mom and Dad.
The Grandparents did fantastic on the presents this year too. It’s fun now that the kids are 5 and 7 and I must say how proud of them we are because they were SO thankful! After opening each present they ran up and hugged whoever it was from and said thank you. 🙂 Sometimes we think they are spoiled, considering they are not growing up as poor as my husband and I did, so this was good to see. 🙂
My hubby smoked the ham this year on the smoker and it was so good! It was a last minute plan the night before, so my Mother-in-law was stressed out. She doesn’t like change or trying new things much, but at dinner she said she will eat her words and the ham was great! Too funny.
This year my husband decided to give me cash to either get my hair or nails done, or get a massage. I think I’m going to chose a massage…full hour! Or I can go buy clothes or more Avon (which I am addicted to) or anything I want. He said I deserve a day of pampering…how sweet! 😉
The year flew by and now it’s almost 2012….the kids are getting bigger every day and they are smarter than we think! I still have no idea what to do with them home until the 4th of January…but I shall figure it out. 🙂
After the first of the year my husband will be traveling again which will suck, but instead of snuggling on the couch every night with him I can focus more on Bunco! 🙂
Thanks for following this blog!
Good night for now…
Bunco Betty
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