If you have played Bunco with more than one group, chances are each group had its own rules. Most groups play with the main Bunco rules and prizes. Bunco being when three of a kind is rolled in the Round of a specified number, i.e. triple threes rolled when rolling for threes. The typical Bunco prize categories are Most Buncos, Most Wins, Most Losses, Most Three of a Kinds (aka Baby Buncos) and 50/50. We also award prizes to first and last Bunco, three losers (second chance drawing), whoever rolled the most 123 (we keep a tally throughout the game) and Snake Eyes.
What is Snake Eyes you ask? Well, Snake Eyes is what our group does to shake things up a bit. If you roll triple ones when not rolling for ones it is a Snake Eyes. What happens next? Well, you and your partner lose all of your points in the round you are currently playing. You then yell, ‘Snake Eyes!!’ and the person with the fuzzy die throws it to you. Whoever has the fuzzy die at the end of the game wins a prize. In my current group I provide the prize but in my previous group the person who won Snake Eyes brought the prize for next months game. I have played with a group who used a fuzzy die for ‘Traveling’. When someone rolled triple threes when not rolling for threes they were given the fuzzy die and whoever had it at the end won a prize.
Another difference from group to group is who moves to what table after each round. According to The World Bunco Association, The winning team from Table 2 goes to the “Head” table and the winning team from Table 3 goes to Table 2. The losing team from Table 2 goes to Table 3 and the losing team from Table 3 stays at the table, but one player moves over one chair so they will have a different partner. This is too confusing for me! For the last three years my group has just had the losers move to make things easier. Well, lately people have been complaining (and rightfully so) that the winners should be moving closer to the head table. So, last night I made up some cute Pink Ribbon themed table signs to let people know where to move for our Bunco this month. It was so fun, I may make some each month to go with our themes! Hopefully I will have some happy Bunco Gals this month!
What are your groups rules? How do you move from table to table? Do you have a topic you’d like me to cover in a future blog spot? Let me know on our Facebook page. I look forward to hearing from you!
Keep Calm and Play Bunco,
Bunco Betty