Oh my goodness! I just wanted to share with you ladies the email I got today from my Son’s Teacher!
“I’m so excited to let you know I’ve decided to nominate Bradley as Principal’s Pride for February! He has done so well in spelling the past few weeks, and has shown so much progress with fluency, I am proud of him, and he deserves it! ”
Principal’s pride! Yay! I’m so proud of him! He’s come so far and this year has been rough on him.
So, we are getting our bunco group together for a special LCR night this weekend. We love getting together “just because” too!
Looks like we’re going to a Mexican restaurant downtown! OH YEAH!
Not sure if I told you but my friend gave me his iPhone for free when he upgraded the the 4, so I have an iPhone!! Anyway, since learning of my trip to Wendover, NV with my friend, I’ve been using this slot machine app on my phone. It’s pretty pathetic but I’m addicted! You just play with fake money OR you can purchase money on your iPhone to play with….I’m not that brave.
So, having casinos on my mind….has anyone ever had a “Casino Night” themed Bunco? If so, I would love to hear how that went and what did you do for it? I came across a poker chip collection the last time I was in Goodwill and thought about decorating for Casino Bunco Night. Maybe everyone could be wearing the blinking bunco dice pin!
Bunco Blinking Dice – 1 Dozen Bunco Prize

Let me know what you think!
Bunco Betty!