Well folks, I got a job!
Ok, I’ll say it again…I got a job! I really wasn’t looking, as I have been blessed to be able to stay home with the little ones since day one. It’s been about 8 years since I’ve had a job and was “Me” instead of “Mom”. Well, as you all probably know from reading the blog, I love kickboxing and the Martial Arts Studio that I Kickbox at called me one day and wanted to see if I would work Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-8pm. UM YEAH! Time away from the home, not too demanding and a super fun atmosphere! I jumped on it. Now, I’m “Me” for about 5 hours two days a week and can hang up my “Mommy” hat and have adult conversations! I love it!
So that’s what’s new in my life…Hubby gets home tomorrow night…thank God.
The Facebook page for the Bunco Game Shop really has been doing very well and I wanted to thank you! You guys are so awesome!!
What do you think about sharing recipes on the page? Let me know! We can exchange them!
So I know a lot of you out there are trying to get together a Bunco group. Don’t forget that you can look for bunco babes on our site too! Maybe post your name and the city you are in and see if anyone out there can help you out.
My dogs are looking at me weird…Maybe I should go feed them or see if they are out of water.
Here’s a special Valentines deal for you!
Free Valentine Flowers & Shipping for our VIPs!
Dear Bunco Friends- Happy Valentine’s Day to all of our Bunco VIPs! This year we are celebrating with you by giving away Valentine flowers PLUS offering free shipping on all orders of $39 or more through 2/14/2012. Shop Now to receive your Valentine gifts! Visit Bunco Game Shop and enter code: BuncoValentine at checkout. Hurry – offer expires Tuesday, February 14, 2012. Visit us now www.buncogameshop.com, or call us toll-free at 1-866-618-6382 to place your order now! Valentine’s Flowers include dice container and seeds. Potting soil not included. Cheers, |
Forward this to a friend too!
Off to feed the doggies!
Bunco Betty