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Personality of A Bunco Group/Monthly GIVEAWAY

I have been drawing a blank lately about which Bunco topic to write about next.  My group held their monthly Bunco meeting last Sunday.  It was a fun Valentines Day themed game.  Anyhow, one of our regular players brought a guest from out of town to play with us.  The lady is a member of a Bunco group in her hometown.  She made a comment to me that our group was very friendly and welcoming and noted that her group is focused primarily on ‘winning’ the game.  It got me thinking, is that how most groups are?  I have played with two groups and both have been mainly about socializing with playing Bunco a nice bonus.

I am the organizer of my Bunco group and I try my best to keep the game going and yet have people socializing.  For the most part my group is very social but there are a few who prefer not to socialize much.  They are usually the ones who say, ‘ding, ding, ding’ when the head table is talking and not starting to play when they want them to.  If you play Bunco regularly you know what I am talking about:)  Our games usually start at 2 pm on a Sunday and I have a rough schedule that I like to follow to try to keep all personality types happy.  People start to arrive at 2 pm and then we have a potluck meal until about 2:45 pm at which time the game starts.  We play two rounds of Bunco and then have a dessert break.  This break is typically 15 minutes and then we play one more round of Bunco, distribute the prizes and then play an (optional) game of Left Center Right.  From start to finish it is about three hours (give or take a few minutes).

Does your Bunco group have a ‘schedule’ that they follow? Are you a group who likes to socialize?  Let me know on the Bunco Game Shop Facebook Page.

This month we are giving away a cute pair of dice earrings!  The ladies in my group love these!  Just head to the Bunco Game Shop Facebook page and tell me about the personality of your Bunco group!  Also, if your minimum purchase at Bunco game Shop qualifies, you can add a pair of dice earrings to your cart for free!

Keep Calm & Play Bunco,

Bunco Betty




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Starting A Bunco Group

Eight years ago I moved from the Northeast to the Southwest.  I had no family or friends here, so I joined a playgroup.  I had an eight month old at the time.  She needed friends and so did I.  I met many wonderful ladies from that group, some of whom I am still friends with today.  That group of ladies introduced me to Bunco.  It was a nice way to meet people and get out of the house for some fun.  I played with that group for about five years before I started my own group.

I, admittedly, am a control freak.  It is in part why I started my Bunco group.  I joined a social network that is intended to bring strangers with similar interests together and started my group in May 2010.  We played our first game in June 2010 at my house with 15 players, 7 of which are still members.  There are now 60+ members and we play Bunco once per month with typically 18-24 players.

As much as I like to be in control, we as a group have made changes throughout the years.  Rules have been tweaked and more prizes are given out to spread the joy of winning.  Even if I don’t win I have a great time!  It is nice to socialize with ladies who are my friends.  It’s also great to  meet women who are new to the group and sometimes Bunco in general.

In addition to being a control freak I am shy and soft spoken.  As many of you know, most Bunco players are not like that!  At least in my group we have a lot of strong personalities (which is not a bad thing).  The co-organizer for our group is my ‘voice’ at Bunco games.  She will shout to quiet the group down when they are rowdy (which is all the time;) Even when I think I am being loud, I am not loud enough.  This is why having a co-organizer is important.  She helps me with things I am not very good at.  Also, if I am unable to make it to a game, she will run it.  If you are thinking of starting your own group, it is a good idea to have a friend that can help you organize.

Have you started your own Bunco Group?  If so, let me know about it on The Bunco Game Shop Facebook page.

Keep Calm and Play Bunco,

Bunco Betty

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Bunco Rules: Ghosts

Although Bunco groups all play by the same basic set of rules they are very different in their approaches pertaining to rules and entertaining styles

Some groups have 12 core players with subs who fill in for those who cannot attend.  My group has 60+ members and typically we have between 18-24 players.  We rarely play with a multiple of four players, so we more often than not have at least one ‘ghost’.  A ghost is an empty seat, or invisible player whose ‘partner’ plays for them.  At our last game we had three ghosts (yes I know some of you are cringing at the thought of this!).  It is nice when there are enough players but a ghost (in my opinion) is not that bad. It really just means that someone at the table has to roll every other time.  In our group whoever is the ghost usually does not keep score (unless they want to).  The husband of one of our players made us small wooden ghosts (see photo).  They are easy to carry from table to table and it  lets us know that there is indeed a ‘ghost’ playing at that table.  I have played with other groups that use a baby doll or nothing at all to stand in for the ‘ghost’.

Do you play with a ghost?  Do you always have 12 players or a multiple of four playing?  If so, how does it work?  Do you use substitutes? My group has never used substitutes.  I am not even sure how it would work.  If your group uses subs, let me know how it works on The Bunco Game Shop’s Facebook Page.

Keep Calm and Play Bunco,

Bunco Betty


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Favorite Bunco Themes: Formal Bunco

The holiday season is quickly approaching.  With all the busyness of the holidays, it is fun to take a break  and play Bunco with the girls.

One year in November my Bunco group held a Formal Bunco.  It was so much fun!  We all dressed up.  Some of us were fancier than others but we all wore dresses.  Our potluck was done differently as well.  We had people sign up for food which included a variety of appetizers, salads, bread and dessert.  The hostess provided pasta as the main dish.  For added fun we had a sit down dinner instead of our usual buffet.

For dessert we had a chocolate fountain. People brought decadent dippers for the fountain.  Cheesecake pieces, cookies, pretzels, strawberries, marshmallows and dried fruit all tasted delicious dipped in the chocolate.  For my small fountain, it takes two packages of chocolate chips melted and mixed with 3/4 cup of vegetable oil.  I love a mix of premium bittersweet and semi-sweet chocolate, yum!

Typically we use paper plates, plastic utensils and plastic cups at our Bunco games. Formal Bunco is the time to break out the fine China, actual silverware and glasses.  It really was nice for a change.  We spent extra time socializing and enjoying each others company.

Whenever someone rolls a Bunco we pass around a necklace, usually one that pertains to the theme.  At this Bunco we passed around a feather boa for a more formal touch.

The prizes were for pampering the Bunco Babe.  Bubble bath, shower gel, mud masks and nail polish were some of the items that people won that evening. Formal Bunco was a fun time for all.  It was a nice change from the casual approach we usually take and a wonderful indulgence, especially for a busy mom like me.

Have you ever attend a Formal  or even a Black Tie Bunco?  If so, please tell us about it on The Bunco game Shop Facebook Page.

Keep Calm & Play Bunco,

Bunco Betty

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In It To Win It: Bunco Prizes

Cute Bunco Dice Bags!

Bunco is a great way to get out of the house and socialize with friends.  It is also exciting that there is a chance to win a prize!  In my group we have many ways to win both cash and non-cash prizes.  I have played with two different groups in the last eight years.  My former group had a $11 pay-in for the cash prizes and the host provided one non-cash prize and another was provided by the person who received the prize last month.  When I started my own Bunco group I dropped the cash pay-in to $5.  We typically play with 19-24 people so the cash prizes are still decent since we have more than the usual 12 players.

Cash Prizes in my group:


MOST WINS: $9 + $1 for each player over 12

MOST THREE OF A KINDS (aka Baby Buncos): $9 + $1 for each player over 12

MOST LOSSES: $4 + $1 for each player over 12

50/50: $4 + $1 for each player over 12

MOST 123s (we keep tally marks for 123s rolled): $4 + $1 for each player over 12

Loser Lottery:  Three names picked randomly from ‘Losers’ and person that rolls lowest # wins $5

1st Bunco: Person who rolls first Bunco wins $5

Non-Cash Prizes:

First Bunco

Snake Eyes

Last Bunco

Loser Lottery (3 players)

Small Prizes for those with special colored Bunco scorecards

For non-cash prizes I try to purchase things that go along with the monthly theme.  I also try to keep the prizes between $8-$10. For our upcoming Animal Print themed Bunco in November I found really cute animal print pens and pads of paper at a local craft store.  I also purchased adorable zebra and leopard print bags and tissue paper to keep with the theme. To create even more fun ways to leave with a prize, I print the Bunco scorecards on different colored paper. Players who have that months color receive a small prize.  For our animal print Bunco, these cute napkin and plate sets will be the scorecard prizes. Thinking ahead, for our Christmas White Elephant Bunco this year I will be using these adorable bags.

Is your group creative with prizes?  If so let me know on The Bunco Game Shop’s Facebook Page.  I always love new ideas to make Bunco even more fun!

Keep Calm and Play Bunco,

Bunco Betty



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Bunco: House Rules

If you have played Bunco with more than one group, chances are each group had its own rules.  Most groups play with the main Bunco rules and prizes. Bunco being when three of a kind is rolled in the Round of a specified number, i.e. triple threes rolled when rolling for threes.  The typical Bunco prize categories are Most Buncos, Most Wins, Most Losses, Most Three of a Kinds (aka Baby Buncos) and 50/50.  We also award prizes to first and last Bunco, three losers (second chance drawing), whoever rolled the most 123 (we keep a tally throughout the game) and Snake Eyes.

What is Snake Eyes you ask?  Well, Snake Eyes is what our group does to shake things up a bit.  If you roll triple ones when not rolling for ones it is a Snake Eyes.  What happens next?  Well, you and your partner lose all of your points in the round you are currently playing.  You then yell, ‘Snake Eyes!!’ and the person with the fuzzy die throws it to you.  Whoever has the fuzzy die at the end of the game wins a prize.  In my current group I provide the prize but in my previous group the person who won Snake Eyes brought the prize for next months game.  I have played with a group who used a fuzzy die for ‘Traveling’.  When someone rolled triple threes when not rolling for threes they were given the fuzzy die and whoever had it at the end won a prize.

Another difference from group to group is who moves to what table after each round.  According to The World Bunco Association, The winning team from Table 2 goes to the “Head” table and the winning team from Table 3 goes to Table 2. The losing team from Table 2 goes to Table 3 and the losing team from Table 3 stays at the table, but one player moves over one chair so they will have a different partner. This is too confusing for me!  For the last three years my group has just had the losers move to make things easier.  Well, lately people have been complaining (and rightfully so) that the winners should be moving closer to the head table.  So, last night I made up some cute Pink Ribbon themed table signs to let people know where to move for our Bunco this month.  It was so fun, I may make some each month to go with our themes!  Hopefully I will have some happy Bunco Gals this month!

What are your groups rules?  How do you move from table to table?  Do you have a topic you’d like me to cover in a future blog spot?  Let me know on our Facebook page.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Keep Calm and Play Bunco,

Bunco Betty



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Bunco Game Food Style

The Bunco group that I belong to is one where we have a potluck meal before we play.  We basically have it down to a science: we eat for 45 minutes and then play two rounds of Bunco. Next, we eat dessert for ten minutes, play one round of Bunco, pass out the prizes and then play LCR (which is optional).  Whew!  We have ladies who love to chat and some who just want to get the show on the road. After three years of playing with mostly the same people we have figured out what works best for us as a group.

We are a large group and typically play with 18 to 24 people.  One time we had ten people bring dessert.  I was hosting and was left with way too many cakes and pies for a family of four to eat!  Now we limit it to four people bringing desserts, this way we don’t have an overabundance.  I have heard of groups who take turns being the hostess and she provides the food for her assigned Bunco game.  This sounds like fun and a great way to host for smaller groups.

Our potlucks do not include main dishes.  Our games are usually held at 2pm on Sunday afternoons so we prefer appetizers and snack foods. We have some really good cooks who play with us!  One of my favorite snacks to bring (I get requests for them!) are Cinnamon Candied Cashews.  They are easy to make and delicious.

Cinnamon Candied Cashews
2 cups raw cashews
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups water
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


Line a baking sheet with a silicon mat.  Put the nuts, sugar, water, and salt into a large skillet over high heat.  Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently, and cook until the water is nearly evaporated and the liquid becomes syrupy, about 10 minutes.    After 10 minutes, sprinkle the cinnamon over the nuts and stir well.  Continue stirring constantly while the water evaporates completely, about 5 minutes.  When there is no longer any sugar syrup left in the bottom of the pan, turn off the heat and stir the nuts vigorously but carefully in the pan until the sugar seizes up and the nuts are evenly coated with crystallized sugar.  Turn the nuts out onto the silicon mat and spread evenly.  Cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

If you put treats on the Bunco tables these nuts would be a great addition to your routine snacks.  They would look so cute on these Dice Plates. We used to have a lot of chocolate and hard candies on the Bunco tables.  The ladies in my Bunco group do not have much willpower when it comes to snacks being at their fingertips, so we have done away with anything too sweet on the tables.  Now we  have nuts or dried fruit to munch on and occasionally the candied nuts above for a treat.

Does your Bunco group have potlucks or rotate hostesses who provide a meal?  Do you have snacks on the Bunco tables?  Let me know, I’d love to hear from you!

Keep Calm and Play Bunco,

Bunco Betty
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Favorite Bunco Themes–Dirty Dancing Bunco

I was thinking about the (many) Bunco games I have played in the last eight years.  One of my most favorite Bunco games that I planned was Dirty Dancing Bunco.  It was the 25th anniversary of the beloved movie and I thought it would be fun to throw a Bunco party with a  Dirty Dancing theme.

Of course we had, you guessed it, the Dirty Dancing DVD on in the background.  We had the sound turned down and the movie soundtrack CD playing.  Everyone loved it and sang along!  I also gave Dirty Dancing DVDs and CDs away as prizes for Snake Eyes as well as  first and last Bunco.  Our group gives the first person to get a Bunco her $5 back as well as a prize.  They get to wear a fun themed necklace until we hand out prizes at the end.  If you roll triple ones when you aren’t rolling for ones, it is called Snake Eyes.  Whoever rolled it loses all of  her points in that round and must yell Snake Eyes. Whoever rolled the last Snake Eyes throws the plush fuzzy die (like this awesome one from Bunco Game Shop) to her and the person who has the die at the end wins a prize.

I brought watermelon cake pops for dessert (remember when Baby carried the watermelon into the dance hall?) They were so cute and a big hit.  Here is the (easy) recipe:

1 box white cake mix (or your favorite recipe)
Water, vegetable oil and egg whites called for on cake mix box
1/4 teaspoon pink paste food color
3/4 cup vanilla frosting (ready made or your favorite recipe)
3/4 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips
32  Lollipop sticks
1 bag (16 oz) green candy melts or coating wafers, melted
1 bag (16oz) white candy melts, melted
block of foam or cakepop holder

  • Heat oven to 350°F.
  • Spray 13×9-inch pan with cooking spray.
  • Make and bake cake mix as directed on box for 13×9-inch pan, using water, oil and egg whites and adding pink paste food color.
  • Cool completely.
  • Line cookie sheet with waxed paper. I like to use two small cookie sheets from the dollar store. They fit nicely in my small freezer.
  • Crumble cake into large bowl.
  • Add frosting and mini chocolate chips; mix well.
  • Shape into 32 oblong balls to look like watermelon; place on cookie sheets.
  • Freeze until firm, at least an hour.
  • When cake balls are firm, transfer to refrigerator.
  • Remove several cake balls from refrigerator at a time.
  • Dip tip of 1 lollipop stick 1/2 inch into melted white candy and insert stick into 1 cake ball no more than halfway.
  • Dip each cake ball into melted candy to cover; tap off excess.
  • Poke opposite end of stick into foam block.
  • Let stand until set.
  • Dip each cake ball into melted green candy to cover; tap off excess.
  • Return sticks to foam block. Let stand until set.

What is your favorite Bunco theme? Do you use  Snake Eyes in your Bunco game?  What are some of your favorite Bunco rules? Let us know.  We would love to hear from you.
Keep Calm and Play Bunco,
Bunco Betty

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All about Bunco & my Monday :)

Today has been fabulous!  I had my workout this morning and LOVED it!  Day 1 of Burn it Up with Debbie Siebers.  The one who burns your booty like you wouldn’t believe with her crazy leg lifts!  Then the kids went off to school which had me enjoying the quiet house…ahhhhhhh (that’s my sigh).

Then I did some Christmas/grocery shopping.  It is so easy to spend a bundle at Christmas time…sheesh!  Then the sexy man put most of the Christmas lights up until it got dark and then we were off to Mom’s house for dinner.  She made Turkey and Dumplings….SO YUMMY! (that’s me yelling…in a happy way)

Ok, so this next part isn’t so good…my son was saying he had a tummy ache and as soon as he got out of the car when we pulled into the garage he threw up all over the garage floor and it splattered all over his shoes and pants and my shoes and pants.  Poor baby!  The funny thing is he was excited to sleep on the floor in the kitchen.  Ok, sounds weird but after one special Valentine’s dinner out with the family, both my kids ended up throwing up at the same time!  Not just once, it was about every 20 minutes and they were taking turns!  After awhile of shampooing carpets in each of their rooms and going through tons of blankets, I decided that it was easier to clean up chunks (sorry to be gross) if they camped out in the kitchen on the hardwood floors.  That was probably the best idea I have ever had!  So we ended up doing just that and about 7am they both stopped throwing up.  I didn’t sleep a wink, but the clean up was way easier!  Even though this was a few years ago, they both still remember and think it’s cool to be sick and sleep in the kitchen.  Glad to be a fun mom! 🙂

So right now my son is sleeping on the kitchen floor.  He hasn’t thrown up again, so I will put him in his bed when I go to sleep and I will cross my fingers to make it through the night.

So I leave you with that and then below you will find some kick-ass bunco information you might need to get started with your bunco game.  🙂

Getting started ideas

  • Invite 12 friends to join your new bunco group
  • Pick a date and time for your first party (each of the 12 players will take turns hosting a bunco party throughout the year).
  • Type up a roster with all of the player’s names, contact information, and the month and date each individual will host a party.
  • Plan your menu and beverages. Our group does potluck, that way not only one person is in charge of feeding 12 women. 🙂
  • Set up 3 tables with 4 seats each
  • Explain the bunco game rules when everyone arrives on the first night and enjoy!

I’m picking the winner tomorrow (Tuesday) so keep your eyes open!!

Bunco Betty

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Something up my sleeve…and Free Bunco Score Sheets! Damn, that’s awesome

Hello there…it’s been awhile but I have been up to no good with drunken Halloween parties, sleeping and did I mention sleeping???  This morning after I got the kids off to school my husband convinced me to come to bed with him for a little “nap”.  Really, no convincing needed…he’s a stud and his armpits smell great!  LOL  Not kidding there either.  So, I curled up with him and the 2 big-ass dogs and we ended up in bed ALL FREAKIN DAY!  He had to literally roll me out of bed to go pick up my daughter at 3:45.  Oh it felt so nice!  I like it when he has slow work days like that, but he leaves again next week. 🙁 I shall miss the yummy smelling armpits and the all day snuggling in bed…oh yeah, and amazing sex!

I have decided to do the whole Stripper Pole Bunco Party!!  It’s going to be great!  There is a local dance studio in town called Teeze and she’s letting me reserve the night for my bunco group!  They have no idea of course, unless they are being good friends and reading this blog…we shall see.  🙂  We are going to meet at my house for some grub, drinks and Bunco and then off to the secret place (Teeze) and we are going to play LCR and spin around on the pole for awhile.  Going to be super fun!  I shall NOT fracture my ankle like I did showing off last New Years on the pole at a dance club in front of all of my friends and many strangers.   I thought I was pretty cool because I just took shots and sucked it up for the rest of the night and the party went on!  It was a bit embarrassing at the Dr.’s office the next morning, explaining how I got injured.  I came home with a boot on my foot and this massive scar that will forever be on my shin as well.  SO SEXY!  All summer long people were asking how I got that scar on my shin…”Pole Dancing”! Then the looks on their face…I know what they were thinking…”is she a stripper?”.  NOPE! Just a fan.  🙂

So, I have my LCR Dice, getting my Bunco Score Sheets and super cute Bunco Pens and everything else I need for bunco decorations for the upcoming party at my place and Teeze.  I will definetly post pics for you all to see!  😉

Off to watch TV with the stud in the other room who has the best smelling armpits!  You can ask me later if you wish.

~Bunco Betty~