Hello Bunco Players-
Just wanted to drop a note and remind all of my Bunco buds that we offer free Bunco score sheets for unlimited use, directly on our website.
Click on this link: Free Bunco Score Sheets, to download and receive a set of free bunco score sheets today.
The free Bunco score sheets are downloadable to your own computer desktop and can be shared with your entire Bunco group through email, or you can send your Bunco player buds to our site directly by clicking here: The Bunco Game Shop. Once at the Bunco Game Shop, scroll down the left Bunco navigation bar until you see the “All About Bunco” link and click on the link there. Next, you will see a page that offers Bunco recipes, Bunco fundraising information, Bunco rules, a free Bunco player roster, links to other Bunco score sheet and have a name line for each Bunco player to record their name.
The free Bunco score sheets also have a X indicator for Bunco wins and a O indicator for Bunco losses. The Bunco score sheets have enough room to score six rounds of Bunco through rolling 1-6 in each round. The 1-6 score boxes are made of cute die to record your wins or losses.
At the bottom of the free Bunco score sheets there are lines to record number of Bunco’s rolled, number of Bunco wins, and number of Bunco losses for easy tallying at the end off all of the Bunco games. May Bunco groups will award Bunco gifts, Bunco prizes, or Bunco cash at the end of a Bunco party by comparing the tallies at the bottom of the Bunco score sheets.
See our site at www.buncogameshop.com for complete Bunco rules and help with scoring.
Happy Rolling. DeAnna
Remember to pick up you Free Bunco score sheets.
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