Fellow Bunco Babes!
Tonight I was thinking…how many of us out there know the actual rules of bunco? This can be quite a topic of discussion. Maybe some of us play a little differently, maybe we don’t have enough people or not enough time to get through the entire bunco game? Well, follow this link and you can get all the bunco rules your heart desires!! http://buncogameshop.com/buncorules1.html
It’s time to start thinking seriously about our boobies…yes, I said it! Look at them…give em’ a squeeze! What would we do without them??
Let’s celebrate this month and have a Bunco Party with a Breast Cancer Awareness as the Theme of the month. We all know that a lot of women are struggling with Breast Cancer every day and giving back to this cause will make a great difference! Let’s get all the bunco players out in October and Roll for a Cause!! I’m excited to post pictures of our Bunco for Boobies and would love to post you pics as well!!
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