Treat your bunco princesses to this sweet “Princess Bunco Kit” and celebrate your princess themed bunco event with our new Princess Bunko Kit.
Each Princess Bunko Kit contains 1 hot pink Princess tote bag, 1 purple maribu tiara, 1 pink wooden handle bell, 9 pink with white pips (dots) dice, 1 tablet of bunco bash score sheets (50 sheets), 6 hot pink “ROLL BUNCO” pencils, and 1 tally pad. Items sold separately at $22.00.
Hold a princess bunco birthday party or a princess themed bunco kit party next time you host bunco at your place, and watch how much fun your group has being a princess!
My friends and bunko buds held a princess themed bunko party for my birthday as a surprise, and it was so unexpected and wonderful! I deeply appreciated the extra attention and it will be a bunco memory I will treasure always.
Additional items from the princess bunko kit may be purchased separately.
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