Good afternoon bunco babes!
My son got 100% on his spelling test!!! SO excited for him! We have worked so hard with him! I swear that these words are crazy hard for the 2nd grade. The funny thing is all he wanted was to go to the store and get these little ninja looking guys from one of the quarter machines. That’s the new thing that the boys like these days. So I was like sweet…that’s cheap! Of course my daughter…the loud mouthed, opinionated 5 year old who has to get what she wants needed something too. OH boy!
So we were leaving the store and he was so happy about his little quarter machine guys and my daughter was super excited about the little toy she got too. I’m thinking that this year for Christmas I am just going to go around to all the little quarter machines and get some presents! Good idea?? I mean, we spend so much money on these gifts for them and they don’t take care of them and things get broken and lost. Why not have a cheap Christmas? I doubt that will end up happening, but I can dream!
The big-ass zit I had on my chin went away and came back on my forehead above my right eye. I woke up this morning and my husband said…”looks like it’s got the white head coming out!” How freakin sexy is that? I guess after 11 years together, that’s how it is. Why does this continue to happen? I’m in my 30’s and still getting zits!!??!! Kind of embarrassing, and I love the support I get from my bunco gals. All night they were cracking jokes about how the zit on my chin is talking to them! Hahaha. Funny. Not really. But thanks ladies.
I am hosting Thanksgiving this year again. The parents come over and this year we have invited a couple that is here without their family. Should be fun! This time I’m going to insist on a game of LCR before or after dinner. I am even going to include the kiddos, since they love playing. Maybe they can play with their favorite candy and the adults can play with dollar bills. How fun would that be?? One of us is going to end up with candy AND money…if it were one of the kids that would be funny too!
I’ll keep you posted on my Thanksgiving LCR game…and tell you how the turkey turns out. 😉
It’s Saturday….going to have some fun…after I cover this zit!
By the way… GO BRONCOS!!! (BSU that is…)